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20T/H two-stage reverse osmosis
Product introduction

Raw water (tap water, surface water and groundwater) is pressurized to the pre-treatment system for coarse filtration, and then to the precision filter for filtration. After being pressurized to the primary reverse osmosis system by the primary high-pressure pump, the water produced by the system is pressurized to the secondary reverse osmosis system by the secondary high-pressure pump to produce product water, which is called two-stage reverse osmosis.

Manufacturing standard of Renyu mechanical two-stage reverse osmosis equipment:

GB19298-2014 National Food Safety Standard Packaging Drinking Water

GB116330-1996 Hygienic Code for Drinking Natural Mineral Water Plant

GB5749-2006 Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water

GB14881 General Hygienic Code for Food Enterprises

GB8537-2008 Drinking Natural Mineral Water

GB/T19249-2003 Nanofiltration Water Treatment Equipment

GB150-1999 Steel Pressure Vessels

JB2932-99 Technical Conditions for Manufacture of Water Treatment Equipment

JB/T4735-97 Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels

ZBJ98003 Technical Conditions for Painting and Packaging of Water Treatment Equipment


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