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800 barrels/hour barreled water filling equipment sent to Yantai, Shandong

Release time: 2020-04-21

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Barreled water filling equipment is used to produce pure water. Pure water has been widely used around us, and has also received a lot of praise and recognition in the industry. The equipment is simple in structure and exquisite in workmanship. It is very important to rely on the production of purified water. Look, today the barreled water filling equipment of Renyu Machinery has been delivered again.



This set of purified water equipment includes 800 barrels/hour barreled water filling machine, screw machine, stacker, accessories, etc. A lot of people may ask why there are just a few things. The small part of the barreled water filling equipment will explain to you, mainly because the customer is changing the equipment!


Welcome to Suzhou Renyu Machinery Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of barreled water filling equipment, which is specialized in food and beverage machinery and water treatment equipment. The company mainly operates complete production lines and water treatment equipment for mineral water, purified water, aerated drinks, fruit juice, tea drinks, beer, alcoholic beverages, etc. A complete and scientific quality management system has been established.

Suzhou Renyu Machinery Co., Ltd

Contact: Zhou Wen

Mobile phone: 151-5025-7636 (WeChat same number)

Tel.: 0512-58969965

Fax: 0512-58969975

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e-mail address: 2283976635@qq.com

Renyu Address: 100 meters away from 202 County Road, Sanxing Yanxingtou, Jinfeng Town, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province

Copyright ? 2022 Suzhou Renyu Machinery Co., Ltd.ICP 17007557-2 
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